Who’s Dream
year: 2023
Installation Room Dimensions: 106 x 92 x 108 inches
Projection Size: 50 x 66 inches
Details | Animation for different animals
The global power dynamics favor human interests at the expense of considering the autonomy of non-human life. Animals are often treated as possessions and commodified for economic benefit, overlooking their intrinsic value. Life, in all its forms, has inherent worth and shares an interconnected existence. Animals, with intricate dreams, exhibit complex cognitive abilities, emotions, memories, and imagination. Celebrating dream-proven creatures like Octopus, Zebra finch, and Jumping spiders underscores the objective value of life.
An installation in a square room allows viewers to glimpse their rich inner worlds, fostering an anti-subjective, non-anthropocentric perspective. The art honors life’s value, inviting viewers to appreciate the beauty and meaning of these remarkable species.
Details | installation details